Dear Friends,

Here I'll try my best, to translate some of the letters from my second book "LETTERS TO YOU". Please, read them with the right intonation. In those letters I've put nothing more, and nothing less than Love.

Nikolay Sisoev - Truden

Briefly for the Humility

Who am I, to be able to change something in this world?
I can only change my self.
The rest is by God's grace.
And I do not put empty ambitions in me.

Who am I, to judge the others?
There is One only, Who can judge, for He is All Good.
And I do not put condemnable spite in me.

Who am I, to teach humility?
I have not taught my self yet.
And I do not go in verbosity for the uncomprehended.

Therefore, I beg you for your forgiveness, if you've taken my words for teaching.
But if I taught you something, it is by God's grace.


The Rug

Man takes birth for Death, not for life.
In Death is The Truth.
In life, man is learning, how in Death to meet The Truth,
For Truth is Life.

Man's life is a thread in the Rug of the Weaver.
Every life is already interwoven, and twisted with the billions threads in the Rug.
You are moving in your life, led by the shuttle of The Weaver, and the only beneficial truth for you is, to come to that understanding.
That and only that will help you to clean up your Ego, and live out your life in peace with you, and with the interwoven with you threats.

If you meet Death with the acceptance and the understanding of this Knowledge, for you, it will be Door to Life.

The Weaver weaves, but the quality of the Rug depends on the quality of the threat.
You are the thread; therefore do not complain for the quality of the Rug.


Check periodically for new letters.